ESI 6935/EEL 6935: Power Systems and Market: Operations and Analysis

Instructors: Drs. Das, Dr. Zeng (IMSE) and Dr. Fan (EE)

Prerequisite:  EGN 4450 -- Linear Systems, and EGN 3443 -- Probability and Statistics

Textbook: Power Generation, Operation, and Control by Allen J. Wood and Bruce F. Wollenberg and

selected papers

Time and Location:  T and Th: 8:00 AM to 9:15 AM, ENG 201

Course Description:

This course aims to present the backgrounds, state-of-the-art and challenges in current power systems, the operational models and computational methods, the basic economics on electricity and carbon market as well as system expansion and investment.  After the course, students will master a set of computer programs and packages for energy system analysis and market operations.     


Course Topics:

1.       Smart grid introduction and challenges

2.       Operating limits in a grid and modeling of the grid

3.       A review of Linear/mixed integer programming,  first order condition,  KKT conditions for optimization

4.       Economic dispatch and optimal power flow  

5.       Variants of Unit Commitment (UC): SCUC, Stochastic UC, Price based UC, and UC with Renewable Energy and Demand Response. Also, contingency analysis (N-1/G-1, G-K/N-k and N-1-1), and impact on UC

6.       The demand side of electricity: demand side management, plug-in hybrid vehicles and scheduling of smart appliances

7.       Computational methods of Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) and congestion management

8.       Cap-and-trade, market equilibrium, bidding of energy/transmission/carbon in deregulation market

9.       Investments in generation and transmission, Long-term planning, asset management in deregulated  market with carbon tax

10.   One possible guest lecture from Power/Energy Industry